Clown Mods
@Thetruepath i didn’t realize you were a moderator until that one post we wont bring up the name of
jun 😂 I’m honestly as it stands just a temp mod. basically a trial to see how I’d do as a full blown mod. I’m still learning my limits in what i can and can’t do and all that stuff. and i do still wanna be the semi-troll this community has learned to know
@Thetruepath i could give a few tips here and there regarding banning people, but that’s all i can do regarding advice because banning is all i’m good for
(i’m not a mod, never have been, but i do have some experience in the area, technically “moderating” a specific room)
jun well DM exists and i am more than happy to hear them
Any help i can get is much appreciated -
@Thetruepath well, you definitely can’t ban people just because they annoy you, as i’m sure you know
further advice will be given at random times, most likely in dms -
jun yeah ik that much lol. i can’t just ban you or whoever because i feel like it. i must be justified in doing so and i must explain why i did so
i do believe that you should be able to ban people for trying to argue with you, depending on how serious the argument would attempt to get, as i’ve definitely banned people for trying to provoke an argument before
bans for that reason should not be over 5 hours
jun to an extent here it could be justified. if someone is trying to start drama or something of the sort. especially with a moderator that should be a short ban maybe 3-5 hours max depending on what the argument is over and how long it goes on
as well as how both accounts take action/responsibility for the argument
@Thetruepath slurs no matter the intention behind it should definitely get warnings, and if they further have the usage of slurs after that warning, will get banned. ban time should increase with every ban for the same reason.
and yes, if two people are arguing or if two people break the rule, both people should get banned. even if favoritism isn’t the intention behind the singular ban, it would seem implied
jun i understand that much but what if its in private? like someone saying in a DM with me i don’t believe that should be ban worthy because it was in private and nobody but X can see it
@Thetruepath private arguments aren’t as dramatic and don’t involve too much people. sometimes arguments are best left off to happen as long as they’re in dms because a lot of the time they just need to talk it out
jun i don’t mean private arguments i mean on the topic of slurs
@Thetruepath oh, well i guess it’s alright as long as both people aren’t uncomfortable with the usage of said slur
jun understandable
that’s actually the big reason why slurs aren’t allowed, because some people actually find them offensive