@Creati132 nah i would beat u bish
yourlocalkitkat The only thing you beat, is Mario Kart
@Creati132 nah fam i lose at mario kart
yourlocalkitkat My point has been made
@Creati132 See? You ARE good at something! You ARE capable of winning!
@Just-A-_-Simp Not against Shazz lmao, but thanks
@Creati132 i may be dog water at mario kart but minecraft is my strongsuit
yourlocalkitkat Bish, I bet you don’t even know how to avoid enderman
@Creati132 dont look at them get under a 2 block or less area or get in water
@Creati132 whats the name of the achievment u get for sneaking past a skulk sensor or the warden
yourlocalkitkat y’all are giving me an idea for a gameshow
@Just-A-_-Simp cool
yourlocalkitkat Sneak 100 trophy? Idk, can’t remember lol
@Just-A-_-Simp Nice
@Creati132 correct now whats the name for collecting every froglight
@Creati132 and how many froglights are there
yourlocalkitkat 3, green, purple and white
@Creati132 but whats the name of the achievment
yourlocalkitkat With our powers combined or some shiz, idk that one
@Creati132 yep now whats the name of the achievment for having an allay drop a cake near a jukebox