TW: Um abuse? Mom 2.
@laraiia said in TW: Um abuse? Mom 2.:
a low-functioning autistic person.
I laughed so hard bro XDD
@laraiia said in TW: Um abuse? Mom 2.:
UGH- EW, god… considering in my head that she looks like she doesn’t shower twice a day, that’s disgusting! Plus, the way she says “Because you’re mine” creeps me out the most.
She messed up my hair afterwards and I had to take it out of the braids it was In and put it in a bun. I’m also a perfectionist when It comes to my looks so I spent almost all night trying to lay my hair flat. Murmering to myself “I am pretty.”
@laraiia said in TW: Um abuse? Mom 2.:
I’m a little mad because I like blankets, but because this is your story, I will agree on this: it’s fine if you don’t want a blanket. Sometimes, I sleep without one
with all of the adrenaline i felt I was pretty hot :,)
@laraiia said in TW: Um abuse? Mom 2.:
Even though the world will treat you like shit, you have us. I hope you’re okay.
The world will at least not touch me Like she did, or grab my arm, or mess up my hair
@Haven No cuz if they dare and lay a finger on u, tell me asap and i’ll break their face, arm, head, dick, ass, etc <333
@YourLocalPansexual Your gonna snap my dad’s Dick Inhalf ?! 😲
@Haven Of Course! 😌
@Haven I am always highly interested in your posts lol
my mom surprised me by coming out of my closet
Im sorry, but my jaw ACTUALLY fell when I read this. She… came out of your CLOSET? That’s so creepy. I’d never be able to sleep at night knowing she’d lurk in there.
she grabbed the front of my forehead with her whole hand gripping it tightly like a football. she told me to turn off the light as I didn’t pay any bills around her and Own nothing
What?? D: That’s…actually so abusive… And I dont like her saying that you “own nothing.” :( That’s to disable and diminish you from having any power over anything, yknow. And that’s disgusting. Im so terribly sorry :(
“I don’t care about you pouting” I said I wasn’t pouting as pouting is when you make a Eh. Eh. Eh. Noise. She said “Your face is pouting.”
After how she treated you, you can’t even outwardly express any sense of sadness at all?? That is actually so scary. :( You definitely have the right to express sadness… Although, in this case, I do have some advice. With people like your mom, expressing negative emotions in front of them is a huge trigger to the narcissist. As hard as it is, you can’t cry or be sad in front of a narcissistic person. They can’t accept that they could ever do anything to make someone upset, and if you express it, they think you have a lot of nerve. Which is gross, and 100% not your fault. If you feel sad about her, it’s best to do it in private. It’s just to help you not get hurt.
Im noticing your dad is a jerk too.
I said don’t touch me which was a really brave thing for me to do as I never stand up for myself. But she said over and over again for like 40-60 seconds “Oh I can touch you.” While aggressively Smothering her hands all over my face, arms, hair and, chest. then she said, “You know why? Because you’re mine.” (AKA Saying she owned me)
Second time my jaw ACTUALLY dropped. WOW. I am speechless at this woman… She’s treating you like actual dirt :(((… She is completely diminishing.
I said “I don’t want a blanket.” She said “i don’t care what you want, I thought I made that clear.”
That is just plain disgusting. Wow.
Questions you may have:
Call cps or run away?
I’m waiding to get an ID To prove I’m underaged. I also need to have my Social sacutity # and My birth certifitit. IDK Where any of those are. I also have 0 life experience so I’m waiting till I to to completely cut her off.Are you okay mentally?
Physically, yes. No bruses. But mentally, Im not sure. I’m not getting like proper therapy only chatting with People on 7 cups.Do I need to call the cops you sound brainwashed
Please dont <3 I promise I’ll respond everyday Everything is actually okay today she’s kinda cold towards me but other than that im okay.I honestly think you’re doing the right thing with your choice to wait for now. You definitely will need your social security #, birth certificate, and life experience outside your household. I know some people think leaving without all that is better than staying in an abusive household, but it’ll be a huge hassle in the end when you don’t have those things. Especially the 0 life experience part lol. You’re really strong for understanding those things and not just doing the extreme by running away no matter the cost. You’ll get out of this tunnel. I beleive it.
When I was a bit younger, my dad used to treat me the same way, usually just when he was drunk. He acted the same way occasionally when he was sober, but that’s irrelevant. He’d tell me I’m his property, that he can hit me as much as he wants. When I genuinely wanted to have a nice conversation with him he’d shut it down and get mad at me just for talking to him. And, despite doing that to me when I was young, he seems confused as to why I don’t like to hang out with him or talk to him anymore, and it’s really fucking appalling I have to explain to him why I am the way I am. Not only am I his flesh and blood so naturally I’d inherit SOME of his attitude, but I was directly raised by him my entire life. He’s not a likeable person, so of course, I’m not either, and I hate it. <3
Anyways, he’d threaten to kill me. Which he still does. For some reason he’d also get so fucking pissed at me just for having a goddamn face (really makes me wanna punch his bitchass just thinking about it) and he’d slap me. Like, “don’t give me that contempt look” HOW THE FUCK ELSE DO YOU WANT ME TO LOOK, HAPPY YOU’RE BEING A CACTUS DOWN SOMEONES THROAT? HOP OFF HOE
ok anywayAs I got older, I started getting more firm with what I do and don’t want, and I started uh… Getting a bit out of hand. I’d literally start fights with my dad. If he was pissing me off, I’d literally go right up to him and tell him my problems with his lousy ass. Of course, sometimes trying to justify myself, we’d literally get into physical fights. Busted his lip once, lol.
Now, the point I’m really getting at:
Being firm with my wants and needs, and how I think of him seemed to really help my situation, which I never really realized before. I do believe that I hurt his feelings (cuz he a pussy ass bitch) somewhat, because you know no parent that actually gives a flying fuck wants their child to tell them about how much they hate them. Ever since then, he hasn’t been wanting to fight me at all, and rarely does he throw childish fits at me.
However, that’s for me as a person with one parent. I’m not saying you should do that, because that can always just make your situation work. It’s just a little backup recommendation. I hope you can get away from them as soon as possible :)
@Duchess said in TW: Um abuse? Mom 2.:
. She… came out of your CLOSET?
She was helping mad dad clean or whatever
Idk what the hell she was doing. -
@Duchess said in TW: Um abuse? Mom 2.:
What?? D: That’s…actually so abusive… And I dont like her saying that you “own nothing.” :( That’s to disable and diminish you from having any power over anything, yknow. And that’s disgusting. Im so terribly sorry :(
Its okay :,)
@Duchess said in TW: Um abuse? Mom 2.:
, it’s best to do it in private. It’s just to help you not get hurt.
Then If I don’t she’d make it to where I do Heh
@Duchess said in TW: Um abuse? Mom 2.:
I honestly think you’re doing the right thing with your choice to wait for now. You definitely will need your social security #, birth certificate, and life experience outside your household. I know some people think leaving without all that is better than staying in an abusive household, but it’ll be a huge hassle in the end when you don’t have those things. Especially the 0 life experience part lol. You’re really strong for understanding those things and not just doing the extreme by running away no matter the cost. You’ll get out of this tunnel. I beleive it.
Its all because I don’t have a car, Where we live, the apartments are expensive almost 2000-300 Dollars in rent.
@Sen Wow. That’s honestly an amazing story. Im glad it’s gotten better. And Im glad you grew strong against him.
She was helping mad dad clean or whatever
Idk what the hell she was doing.Still scary that she came out of nowhere though.
Then If I don’t she’d make it to where I do Heh
Are you implying she wants you to express you’re hurt in front of her?
Its all because I don’t have a car, Where we live, the apartments are expensive almost 2000-300 Dollars in rent.
Well you’d also need a license as well. Unless you have one, regardless of transportation or not, it’d be illigal to drive away. Although, if you’re old enough and have some personal money, try public transit?
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