Making Killer chase become more famous #1
Kindly stop being a jerk. Because if Im looking at it, you’re getting really close to getting perm banned. You have been constantly rude to most people on this forum.
@Michi4959 Quit being a bitch to everyone. Before I tell your mommy.
I think I came in too late…
Sapphire!!! My stepmother isn’t going to do shit
Sapphire!!! I for one thing wasn’t even being a bitch
If you are tired of me being a “bitch”
then block me.
that’s what you people are recommending anyway
@Michi4959 Weren’t people recommending you to first? But did you? No. Ain’t my fault you have a short attention span lol.
Sapphire!!! Sure. All talk no action.
@Michi4959 f off.
@Michi4959 Stop dick riding then. Since you love doing that all the time. :)
Hate to call people out but Michi can you stop? It’s getting annoying, you’ve been in drama bullshit all damn day. Give it a rest please.
Sapphire!!! But i’m not. You’ve literally hoped onto everything that I’ve said in this whole entire forum
Your the one who’s dick riding.
this shit wasn’t even about you or TO you.
f off.
@Michi4959 Now if you’ll excuse me I have better things to do rather than argue with some random dipshit
Michi could you like stop starting so much shit? Last warning from me. Leave the other mods to decide
I also heard that from a little Birdy that it’s a permanent ban next offense so watch your ass