Duchess of your seeing this I have one question.
@Duchess damn how do you keep track of everything??
@Foxaroo I have a system I guess. I wake up early so I have enough time to come on here when I can. I reply to dm’s first, then sort mentions second, then replies thirdly. After that, I go through everything else, probably while talking to users at the same time lol. I have a planner app that contains a lot of my mppc stuff. Ideas, future general posts and posts for my group, site suggestions, a to-do list for issues to take care of + notes to go along with it, list of users I want to keep in touch with every month, things I need to tweak on the site (like the appearance, post adjustments, ect), and a filling system for users. That contains info I might want to remember about a person, like alt accounts that are allowed and stuff. Then on discord, that is where I have the important screenshots people send me of issues or screenshots I take, and ip’s to remember.
@Duchess I’ve been here for 5 GYAHHH DAYYUUMMMM
@Foxaroo I love organizing. I’d consider it a hobby, even lol
@Duchess oh wow! I can’t even keep clothes off my floor 😭
@Duchess you would cry if you’ve seen my closet
@保志久美 Oh boy… I actually recently organized my closet.
@保志久美 my room is always tidy 💀 like even one thing on the floor I’m shouting and screaming at my sister to pick it up bc I want everything to be organised. I can’t stand when things are unorganised. It’s like when I do my homework every Sunday so I don’t have to do any work for the rest of the week and I read a certain amount of books a day. I have a whiteboard in my bedroom that has a schedule of things I have to do everyday so everything is organised I also have 3 to do lists 😭🫶
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 I crum everything into the closet and forget about it
@保志久美 you’re like my sister she don’t give two fucks
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 Yeah that’s me alright LOL
@Duchess all I could say is you would not like my room… T-T
@保志久美 LMAO I’m just like riddled w autism and adhd so to me I clean my room one time my dad walked in on me reorganising my bedroom
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 I have ADHD So I’m tidy with some things, My bathroom for instance, and for others I’m messy, My closet, bed, and make up bag for instance
@保志久美 fair enough
@保志久美 Damn fair I could never