Bruh XD
scarlet lol LMAOOOOOOO!
scarlet lol no
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza exactly
case closed
scarlet lol O n G
Alucard VanHellsing because i thought i saw something in recent and i thought you were talking bout it hurt when you shat
Wait, did anyone care to think us men are born pregnant considering we Carry the baby till we put it into a woman…
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza @HoodedSans scarlet lol
Alucard VanHellsing yeah thats what i tell my dad all the time lmao
im like “dude i used to live inside you before i was even developed”
Why the hell was I mentioned
Alucard VanHellsing theres actual places to talk about that shit you fucking retard. the fuck do you think you’re talking to