~~The Horned Princess~~
@Your-Local-Reaper Well, what do ya think? :>
Zeera the Nightmare Jackal's 2nd account
In the mostdisrespectful way possible, smash. -
OOHH??? B) -
Zeera the Nightmare Jackal's 2nd account What? Who said that? I didn’t say anything-
@Your-Local-Reaper Mhmmmmm???, totally NOT disrespectful at allll~ B)
Zeera the Nightmare Jackal's 2nd account Nope- not at all. The most respectfully way I can. 100%
@Your-Local-Reaper Yeeeppp, DEFINITELY B)
Flip Ditcher i thought u were ga-
@Poptart_Yeeter im bi you bum
Flip Ditcher Well you’re half gay
@Poptart_Yeeter and youre half
Flip Ditcher
mostly -
sigh I read the title wrong again.
@Trevor NO SAME
@Trevor Real
@Trevor What did you misread it as this time? =w=;