I feel like this is the type of food they serve at Long John Silvers'
@tea-and-crumpets isnt long john silver a fictional character and they named it after them? (looked this up)
also how can they mess up food so bad
Just simply be good at cooking and thats it
im impressed that the restaurant is still going if im honest
long john shitters frfr-
so is long john silver the worst fast food in the ENTIRE world?
Wubbrle the Wubble... ;-; not nesesarrily. (COUGH POPEYES CHICKEN)
!! Blake !! ツ They shoulda embraced Popeyes the sailor and based their restauraunt around spinach instead probably…
@tea-and-crumpets . . . hold tf up man imma mail a Popeyes biscuit to you-
!! Blake !! ツ Good luck sending that without Customs seizing it :)
@tea-and-crumpets whats the ‘customs’
!! Blake !! ツ Right I forgot you’re an American and that practically doesn’t exist over there…
“Customs is an authority or agency in a country responsible for collecting tariffs and for controlling the flow of goods, including animals, transports, personal effects, and hazardous items, into and out of a country.” •••Source; Wikipedia
@tea-and-crumpets Naw cuz that bs sounds wild
!! Blake !! ツ It isn’t really. It’s just a precaution measure to stop smuggling. If Customs didn’t exist, it would be easy to smuggle drugs and other illegal substances in , and other potentially/incredibly dangerous things.
@tea-and-crumpets Ah. (america is the best place to live for drug dealers
!! Blake !! ツ said in I feel like this is the type of food they serve at Long John Silvers':
(america is the best place to live for drug dealers)
tis true, unfortuately.
Shazz_ Caseoh is build like jupiter
Imagine CaseOh goes on a seafood diet.
Oh wait, he already is on one. He sees food and he sucks it up like a vacuum cleaner using his planetary gravitational force. -
@tea-and-crumpets EW WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT
@tea-and-crumpets said in I feel like this is the type of food they serve at Long John Silvers':
Imagine CaseOh goes on a seafood diet.
Oh wait, he already is on one. He sees food and he sucks it up like a vacuum cleaner using his planetary gravitational force.NAW CUZ TF?
@中本悠太 . . . fucking poverty in food form
!! Blake !! ツ That is making me lose my appetite…
@中本悠太 that shii is legit the great depression. its called depression for a reaso-