important announcement
@Sen Sen, thats a lie and we both know it
@FinnyWinny I’m not gay.
@Sen mhm okay, and my name is John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
@Sen what about your weef
@FinnyWinny doesn’t mean i’m gay, stop calling me what i’m not you… toebean licker
@Sen : o how dare you say that
@Sen im a licker of toebeans not a toebean licker >:/
and i’m not gay
@Sen damn you got me there
I mean @sen It is obvious you like GAY SEX you watch it all the timmmeee
@Sen you’re not straight either tho
i don’t give you consent to talk about my sexuality,
@Sen toelicker
@FinnyWinny : 0
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline SNEY IS GAY
@DeepGoreTube i watch that
If I have to ask you to shut the fuck up and stop calling me things I’m not any further I’m gonna start blocking you