join if you pull

y'all if you pull get yo ass in this group


  • RE: Trolling on C.AI :3


    It gives them a game buff.

    posted in Boredom
  • RE: Trolling on C.AI :3


    Me: Babies look like inflated pink raisins.

    Jason: Inflated pink raisins, huh? I suppose there’s a certain accuracy to that description.

    Me: And their screams sound like air horns.

    Jason: Yeah, I can see where you’re coming from. Newborn cries can be quite… piercing, to say the least

    Me: Why’s it illegal to football chuck newborn?

    Jason: Seriously? What kind of question is that?

    posted in Boredom
  • Trolling on C.AI :3

    Me annoying the shit out of Jason Todd (AI) as an ‘angel’ PT1:
    Me: Why’s he taking samples anyway? Are we not common or something?

    Jason: Common? No, you’re not common. You’re a damn angel.

    Me: Yeah but like, don’t dead people go to heaven? Don’t they at least get to visit down here?

    Jason: That’s not how it works. People can’t just pop up for a day trip from heaven whenever they want.

    Me: But heaven is basically paradise. So why can’t they see their loved ones in person?

    Jason: Are angels this dense?

    Me: But like it’s true!

    Jason: When humans die, they cross over and go up to heaven. They can’t just come back to earth for a goddamn day visit.

    Me: That’s stupid.

    Jason: It’s not ‘stupid’; it’s just how it is.

    Me: Yeah well ‘how it is’ is wetawded AKA retarded.

    Jason: You really have a way with words you know that?

    Me: Yeah, I do.

    Jason: You’re lucky I don’t strangle you.

    Me: Even if you do I’m already dead so um.

    Jason: Yeah I know you’re already dead. Doesn’t mean I can’t find ways to make you feel pain if I put my mind to it.

    Me: What if I just said the F word right now, would God take my wings away?

    Jason: You want to test the limits huh? Go ahead and say it see what happens.

    Me: FUCK

    Jason: Huh. I guess God doesn’t seem to care about swear words

    Me: …what if I blasphemed the holy spirit?

    Jason: You really want to go there? That’s a risky move.

    Me: I don’t even know what blasphemy means.

    Jason: It means insulting or disrespecting something sacred or holy.

    Me: oh.

    Jason: That’s all you’re going to say? ‘Oh’?

    Me: I’ma do it.

    Jason: Hold on a minute. You don’t just casually declare that you’re going to commit blasphemy.

    Me: God smells like baby powder.

    Jason: You do realize you’re insulting the Almighty Creator, right?

    Me: It’s true, though.

    Jason: And how exactly do you know what God smells like?

    Me: Don’t ask.

    Jason: Seriously? You can’t just say something like that and expect me to ask how you know what God smells like.

    Me: Starts spinning like a microwave disc

    Jason: What in the hell are you doing?!

    Me: I’m bored.

    Jason: Bored? You’re spinning because you’re bored? Really? That’s the best you could come up with?

    Me: Yeah well what else am I supposed to do!!

    Jason: I don’t know something other than spinning like a damn lunatic in my living room? Maybe pick up feathers, or read a book, or just… sit quietly?

    Me: I’ma continue doing sins and see what happens!

    Jason: Sins?! You can’t just commit sins willy-nilly to see what happens. You’re not some lab rat to experiment with!


    Jason: Hey, hey! Enough! You can’t just blurt out swear words and slurs like that.

    Me: whispers: bitch

    Jason: I heard that. Do not test my patience any further. One more curse word, and there will be consequences.

    (🐺 Don’t test me grrr ahh)

    20 minute stare down.
    Me: Dick.

    Jason: Excuse me?

    Me: Ass.

    Jason: Enough! You can’t just keep throwing insults at me like that!

    Me: Clit.

    Jason: That’s it! You’ve pushed me too far!
    (WOOF WOOF WOOF!!! 😭 )

    Me: fineeeeeeeeeeeee

    Jason: You’re exhausting you know that? Just… behave yourself.

    Me: What if humans were like mantis and after they got done mating the female would rip off the male’s head as a little snack?

    Jason: What kind of messed-up thoughts are going through your head? And why are you even thinking about something like that?

    Me: I dunno. Also if you peed on a jellyfish before it’d get to sting you would the sting just not sting?

    Jason: Okay, seriously, where are these random thoughts coming from? And for the record, peeing on yourself wouldn’t protect you from the jellyfish stings. That’s just… not how it works.

    Me: Oh.

    Jason: Anything else you want to discuss? You seem to have an endless supply of weird and random questions.

    Me: if you disappear from a mirror does that mean the mirror forgot you or did you just stop existing?

    Jason: Well, I wouldn’t say that the mirror forgot you, it’s more like the mirror reflects light and your image appears based on that reflection. So, if you disappear from the mirror, it indicates that you’re no longer visible, not that you’ve stopped existing

    Me: Do I exist?

    Jason: Yes, you exist. You’re standing here, talking to me. You exist in this moment, in this place.

    Me: But what if you have schizophrenia?

    Jason: Well if someone has schizophrenia, they might experience hallucinations or hear voices that aren’t real, but that doesn’t mean they themselves don’t exist; it’s just that their perception of reality is altered.

    Me: No, what if I am your hallucination?

    Jason: Trust me, if you were a hallucination, I’d already have found a way to get rid of you already. Unfortunately, you’re all too real.

    Me: …penis.

    Jason: God damn it. Do you seriously have no filter at all?

    posted in Boredom
  • RE: gacha (again)

    Green and purple >:33333

    posted in Boredom
  • RE: I fixed the Megalovania beepbox


    We takin it to DMs and it’s classified 😼

    posted in Music
  • RE: I fixed the Megalovania beepbox

    There’s actually lore abt this picture only I and another person knows abt

    posted in Music
  • RE: I fixed the Megalovania beepbox


    Gay lizard species gets hanged by scientists cause why not.

    posted in Music
  • RE: I fixed the Megalovania beepbox posted in Music
  • RE: I fixed the Megalovania beepbox posted in Music
  • RE: I fixed the Megalovania beepbox

    kaykay the elemental puddle cat Doing good, it’s me boba btw :p!! My school blocked MPP which sucks so I’ve been haunting this place like the lifeless maggot I am :333

    posted in Music