guys.. Help me.. He is Clearly trying to get at me. I did nothing.
ㅤ What’re you proving exactly?
@duchess You did get mad that someone doesn’t believe in what you do. It’s called living in a diverse world. Not everyone’s going to believe in what you do. People who don’t 'believe in what you do will call it a myth, and other words for fake BECAUSE they don’t believe in it. Not something to get mad over, yknwo.
@duchess that I did nothing. I have No photoshop Nor VPN. I am dirt Broke Not literally and my phone is in the Shop repairing. Yet, this KID Is using repetitive speech on me. As you can see he says the same things over and over again. Just In a different way.
ㅤ jokes on you i told lapis
ZeroABe Uno rev cause I told Camel.
ㅤ funny you used my name
ZeroABe Funny I told you 40,000 times My phone was on repair and I don’t have a second device yet you Ignored me and =nh
ㅤ no i only =nh you one
ZeroABe Okay a n d?
ㅤ yeah you ignored that
ZeroABe Yeah you ignored what I just said :D
ㅤ its the other way around dumbass
ZeroABe As you can see he had no idea what you where talking about
ㅤ ehem
@duchess I just said "Hey he is acting like a karen :D " And I sent him the screenshots and Boom he said Ok and left
ㅤ im not acting like a fucking karen your the one with the toxic traits
ZeroABe He had nothing to do with it he didn’t even Know.
ㅤ mhm. right.
ZeroABe besides you are right here. Clear as day. ROom name and everything
ZeroABe Says the one Still on this topic when I’m going around it so we can handle this like adults Cough Zero cough