Have you heard of Ligma?
what is it?
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza Its this new fancy store across the street! Didn’t you see it?
Sam_The_Furry What’s ligma
Steve Jobs Died of ligma.
Someone8448 What’s ligma.
@Sen-the-shitass Ligma ballz
Zach A. Afton owo
Ligma is a common disease… Candice has it
ㅤ Who is Candice??? 👀
C A N D I C E B A L L S F I T I N Y O M O U T H .
XD not this one cuz its for sum else called food
@BheeseDied f u c k y o u g o t m e
harhar fuck you zach
O _ O -
be scared >:]
@BheeseDied yes