Android or apple? Which is better?
Android : does not crack too easy, Has alot of battery, can play any game tho :D, Less storage :(
Apple : Less battery, Cracks on front AND BACK, more storage, Can’t really play a Lot of games on it -
To be honest, I say Apple but that’s what I think.
ㅤ Android 100%
android. but thats my opinion because all the times ive used an apple phone they sucked
I have HUAWEI phone! -
Android, though i dont think i have an android or apple phone.
Apple just sucks imo
People say Apple has less battery, but I disagree, as I’ve had experience with both and have owned both an apple and android for several years.
My experience:
Apple dies slower, charges faster.
Android dies quicker, charges slower.
Apple cracks pretty easily, although the screen gets scratched quicker than it does broken.
Android is pretty durable and doesn’t break as easily.
Apple has lots of storage, and from my experience you can download lots of games. This just means that there aren’t many game options.
Android has more game options, but has less storage to play games on.
Android is also said to have a better camera, and as far as I can tell that isn’t true. I guess it depends on the Android?
Overall, I prefer Apple, because all I ever do is play games.