Angel no one said anything about inspecting shit sir XD
I aint no fuckin mechanic 2 be inspectin shit -.-
Angel i said expect
Angel Lmao
Oh u said expect mb
my eyes dawg x-x
Angel You shouldnt be talking, you’ve said the n word, your rights are removed.
Well, they DO have grammar, Angel quite unlike you.
@Sen-the-shitass ik my grammer was alwayz been ass ://
Angel “has” maybe
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza Its been always ass.
@Inactive lmao
@Sen-the-shitass -_-
Angel It’s Just Simple English, What’s The Big Deal About It-?
@Nova Okay I never rlly Liked you anyway Bro
clown moment
Why is it that when people break the rules and get banned, they act like they didn’t do diddly when they full well know what they did. It’s almost hilarious weren’t for the part that it’s quite annoying.