why am i such an idiot
@Alex-IzYourTypicalDumbass okkkk??? I didn’t really ask + Didn’t need to know how sensitive you where. Like, who cares if you cry? Just un-cry lmao
I never stated that you asked? I was answering something, if I need to be asked to talk then who the hell asked you to talk? No one so why the hell are you talking? Immature ass bitch. -
@Alex-IzYourTypicalDumbass “I never stated that you asked” Bro what? How was you supposed to know if I wanted to say “I dIdN’T aSk” Like you tell the future bro Lmao You can’t just State it LMao
@Alex-IzYourTypicalDumbass OOOOO my timbers are shivering bro
What the fuck? -
@Alex-IzYourTypicalDumbass Yup the fuck said what
You’re confusing me.
What you’re saying is starting to not make sense. -
@Alex-IzYourTypicalDumbass Good That means you’ll leave me alone the more you don’t know : D
You’re the one who has been talking to me, you’re the one who replied to me when I wasn’t even talking to you, and now I’m the one bothering you?? -
@Alex-IzYourTypicalDumbass I never said you where bothering me i just need you to stop in your tracks :)
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