Phone number reveal
mine is 575 791 3425
@BubblyStars @victor_satan Gollum89 This was all a little joke, so don’t take it seriously jeez
@MrSci Why
@MrSci what? so that wasnt ur number-
@MrSci oh lol
@victor_satan 800 588 2300 EMPIRE number is a meme, lmao
@Burd yea fucked myself on that one cause i texted that number
@MrSci i texted it-
@victor_satan Oh you dumbass. (/j)
605-313-4000 i dare yall to call it.
@MrSci I put my actual number
@Freesia ik i thougt it was his number
Gollum89 i did to
@MrSci i texted it-
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