Tell me what you hate about adults.
Zach thats not even slightly funny.
Cross when you try to explain something wrong and then they bitch at you telling you that you dont know what thats like but then goes around the next minute and says that they understand-
Zach That isn’t rape unless one or both are child abusers.
@RyLIE-Online Wow, thats much of my father. If you were me and you went through that. You would be completely cut off from saying your sentence.
“do you want to go to the store with me?”
“too bad, yer going anyways”
“then whyd you fucking ask, cunt?” -
Cross they don’t understand memes
@AllGoodNamesRGone And the ones they do understand are so frickin cringy to us
@MrSci ong
Cross i hate when they call your name but dont answer when we say yes
Cross This is a great question honestly.
None of this is stuff Im listing, all adults do, but it’s from what I’ve seen.-
when they use their their position as an adult as leverage over your life, belittling you, and putting you down as a human.
being mad if you ever slightly question them, seeing it as a sign of disrespect
thinking it is their way or the highway, believing that any other way is wrong
any new way of doing something is put down, saying “well we didnt do that back in my days”
ignoring / interrupting you because they think that children should be seen and not heard, or at the very least, see themselves as “I should be first”
using their age as a focal point, and acting like the world has to go out if their way to serve them like it’s some responsibility of children and teens (eg. Karens)
when adults project their assumption that all kids are the same, categorizing all children in a bad place in their view
Literally nothing
@AllGoodNamesRGone I got another one “When your parent(s) tell you to pause a multiplayer game:” Adults expect their child or children to play alone because of strangers on the Internet.
jun Nahhhh bro my father does that. One time he asked me if I wanted to come to his house. I said no and then he said I was coming over there.
@Duchess I’m speechless from that text. It’s facts tho.
@Burd You’re a good kid.
“I don’t do (xyz)” - proceeds to do xyz right in front of my face an hour later
“If I get you something then I’ll have to get something for your siblings” - proceeds to buy everything my siblings ask for which adds up to ~$30 each but not get my the $7 book I asked for
Gollum89 It’s sometimes but always the sibling that is forgotten so much. Your other siblings are probably the favorites.