Ok here me out
Lolbit Ong.
Lolbit Now lets see how many people block me after this lol
Shadow lol
But like honestly people dont understand why they are emo or why i am emo well first off im depressed af second off i got daddy issues and mommy issues third off i got so much trauma it could kill a “normal” person fourth off I like the style its cool ya know fifth off eh people tend to not mess with me anymore and thats the way i like it well theres more but idk theres some of the main reasons
Shadow the shittiest flex ive seen
MGC Again not arguing with you actually imma block you
Shadow kinda crazy you were able to handle those “demons” but cant even handle someone like me
@Burd What did they say
@Burd Cringe ride
Being NON-BINARY is not a phase but my dad thinks not 💀
@Your-Local-Non-Binary-Kiddo Exactly you get what it means just in a different way
This post is deleted! -
Shadow yep
MGC wtf–
MGC true