Y'all I'm done
@Burd it spilled on the floor 🥺
@Burd I had to clean it up and now it’s gone forever 😭
@Thetruepath I don’t see the problem, just pick it up
@Thetruepath make more
@Burd it’s in the trashcan. You can have it 😭
@Burd I’m at school. I can’t make more 😭
@Thetruepath make more when you get home
@Thetruepath DO IT
@ThatOneMemeGuy I got like 6 hours till I get out of school and then I still gotta go home. Then make coffee. Then do my homework 😭
@Thetruepath just go home now
@Burd I would but then I’d have a 6 hour walk home 😢
@Thetruepath then run
@Burd bro you think I have any stamina? I’d be panting six minutes into the run 😶
@Thetruepath how!?!? im more better than that
@Angel_Dust gay
@Thetruepath ray
For those who don’t know: Burd’s logic exists partially on a different dimension than us, that’s why he’s always right no matter what
@Laws zamn
@Laws you right