Y'all guess my zodiac
@Tia nope
@Thetruepath that’s why I’m not trying, because it’ll go on for hours since I study astrology and other things you don’t like
zofya406 which is why I wanna debate it with you or whoever. Because y’all “study” it and seem to know so much about it and how it’s okay to be an abusive cunt because mars is in retrograde or whatever. Not saying you are because you aren’t but I’ve seen plenty of cases saying that’s why
@Tia nope
libra or cancer
I also find it hilarious how I could just be saying nope to all these even if it’s already been guessed. Either way y’all would have no idea if I’m lying or not because you just physically prove what I am based on how I act. It’s just not possible
jun both wrong
ok then leo?
jun nope
okay so you’re a gemini
jun nope
then in your words you’re either 13th zodiac or nothing
@Thetruepath people who do things off of what their horoscope says are stupid, the horoscope is basically a telling about what’s to come for you in the present or future
virgo -
jun make up your damn mind what am I? 💀
you’re the one not making up your mind goofy
zofya406 so you gonna look at the palm of my hand, then look at the stars, then lick your crystal and see how my life gonna turn out
@Thetruepath they already guessed it