Pics of mwa!
@Dominic fr?1!1!1
@That-One-Dead-Man Im dead ass serious
leave this post or delete this
tripod bruh tf
@Dominic yes
I’ma say this one time if you have anything bad to say about anyone just please for the love of god/satan, please keep your mouth shut
@Dominic except for when it comes to me have at it bc i dont give two shits what you guys say about me
@Dominic I won’t keep my mouth shut just because some random told me to
tripod and your a reason no one likes being here
once again, delete this
@Dominic you’re*
tripod shut up
@Dominic I don’t have to obey a random after all
@Dominic im defending someone bc ppl are bullying them
tripod how old are you?
@Dominic People are stating their opinion, if you don’t like it then get out
@Dominic because you’re acting like a toddler
@Dominic I’m acting like someone who understands, instead you’re acting like one, so quit it
@Dominic I hold back my opinions because i have respect for people
@Dominic Opinions can change people into better ones, it seems like you don’t want to do it