no one asked but a career i love
criminal justice attorney. now i know you’re thinking, why would you wanna help criminals? because theres no complete bad guy in most situations, or all actually. theres always some fucked up reasoning behind it and the prison system sucks in america. no one feels bad for the bad guy, but I will,also theres innocent people and criminals with genuine mental health issues who don’t need prison but they need rehab or a mental hospital
or be at least treated humanely in prison, just look at norway’s prisons for example
@luv-4-finnxo there was a serial killer and tik-toker where trying to set him free cause he was hot :^
@BubblyStars yeah and they were obsessed with jeffrey dahmer but he was legit a fucked up guy
@merope-temp-account yeah exactly
look at a norwegian prison cell:
vs an american prison cell: