My shitposting topic of Lookism
…So this is why they did that ._.
Jiho is still… Really fuckin’ stupid. I mean- he still thinks he’s the shit. They have colored tags based on what kinds of crimes they’ve committed.
White - Basic crimes (Theft, scams, etc.)
Yellow - Violent crimes (Attempted murder, r_pe, etc.)
Red - Murder (Straight to juvie prison)
Blue - Illegal drugs (Manufacture or selling)He’s a yellow and thinks he’s tough shit because all of the other people in his cell are white (the tag, not the skin color) and are scared of him. Turns out he’s fucking with another yellow rn.
This post is deleted! -
No wtf did you say
Hey, I’m just glad Jiho learned something in prison.
The Zack Goes Bald Part 4 we’ve all been waiting for
Zack goes bald part 5
Zack suddenly adorable
oh no
I love how much of a changed character Zack is. How he went from a piece of shit bully in the beginning to such a caring dude. The character development is amazing.
bruh stfu
These two honestly make amazing parents, even if this isn’t actually their child and they’re just looking for the real parents.