Pick a Number, and i will give you a dare :)
@Izzy uhhhh nty
@Bagel then dont reply saying u want a dare when ur not even gonna do the dare
What about me
@Izzy it was hella hard
Neincraft what abt you .-.
I want another dare
Neincraft u cant
@izzy-lolll 45
@izzy-lolll If someone didn’t already 73
Not me realizing this post was from a few months ago-_-
@Ruleigh lol
@izzy-lolll :)
@501-Jordann shut up Jordan lmao
@501-Jordann I’m listening to tAyLor sWiFT🤠🤠🤠
@izzy-lolll Hell naw
@501-Jordann so many breakup songs