Im done.
This post is deleted! -
@kayaRose_SCP “ok bheese” best comeback ever
Ralsei wassup gang member bheese
Ralsei it wasn’t supost to be
Ralsei b h e e s e
Ralsei but then why are people saying you are
@ʀʏʟɪᴇ-Away can i just ask why im bheese
Ralsei because you are bheese the cheese
@ʀʏʟɪᴇ-Away true…
bheese laughing all alone:
@ʀʏʟɪᴇ-Away Well thats good that your not breaking up with ivory. As long as you too are happy, No matter what happens thin its all on you guys. Im glad that you both are happy and came to a understanding.
@ʀʏʟɪᴇ-Away Anytime
I. Didn’t. Say. Nothing. ‘Rude’. -
@Alexx all you said was lmao
Was that rude? Sorry? -
@Alexx what? you clearly misread what i said. reread, bigbrain.
No, I understood what you said. But it’s just did she think that was rude, cause if so I’m sorry. -
@Alexx you laughed at me bc Ralsei said no one loves me. thats rude