addressing this rn
if i send you a secret, dont fucking tell everyone on this earth. you just break my trust and it hurts. i dont tell a lot of people stuff so the fact that you betrayed me kinda like sucks. i love you all but a specific person did this and it kinda fucking sucks.
my secrets and business are not for everyones eyes and if i tell you its because i need to vent. that doesnt mean tell your whole friend group. i tell @Vampire-Prince-Cyx stuff all the time and they dont tell everyone so you shouldnt either. its really messed up and kind of annoying. this isnt a game of broken phone, this is real life and real shit so stop telling every person on this earth everything.
real shit, its annoying.
i know this shit is directed at me. grow the fuck up and move the fuck on. so what? i told the bitch you wanted to foght her. we need drama rn. my bad for being a normal middle schooler. fucking hoe.
finn everytime i see you make a post it looks just like a post someone else made on the same day ._.
@Calistaa no this is directed at someone
@maybenot-finneas yea but it’s also kinda relevant to what @xay-is-hot-duh posted earlier, just saying
anyways uh
hav fun w/ that
luv.omari bitch please, it was a joke and now one of my friends hates me. ahe thought i wad serious and i nearly lost her because of your bullshit.
@Calistaa well similar situations ig
@maybenot-finneas you fucking up 8 months of friendship for a fight is wilddd
can yall take this shit to dms?
Angiee😻 already did.
@maybenot-finneas wrd, I don’t tell much people shit and when people who aren’t very trusting of others tell me things, I hold in that shit until the end of time. Their privacy must be respected, really this goes for anyone really, untrusting or always trusting