Omg pls help this guys soul
@Thetruepath so can I 😌
Daddy oh no I’m tooooooooooooootally scared. A slim, fast, and fairly energetic kid. Totally can’t just. Move a couple steps without you choking on that chicken bone from earlier 🤧
@Thetruepath daddy will get you
Daddy you gonna jump me cuz again I can just walk and I’m already outrunning you
@Thetruepath daddy mad u looked at my prev name how dare you do that to daddy
Daddy 🤭 hi sync .
@Thetruepath u mean hi b
Daddy hold up.
@Thetruepath daddy cant wait much longer
Daddy no you’re only previous username is sync .
@Thetruepath no he’s b
@Thetruepath im b dumbass
Daddy oh. Literally I had so much fun with that 🤣
Daddy daddy ultimate confuser😼
@Thetruepath LOL
Daddy 🤯
@Thetruepath frrrr
@Thetruepath i realised i had my old alt laying around decided to make a dc mod acc LOL
Daddy sounds fun lmao