We finally broke up...
I’m distraught. Idk how to function like this. I’m trying so hard not to cry cause I got friends over. But it’s so hard. I love her. I always will. She’ll always be my baby… my sweet girl… My beautiful angel. I just wanna restart and try again. I hate this but it’s for the best. We both need to just be friends. Ill always love her but we gotta stay friends…
@Cyx It sounds like you’re going through a lot of difficult emotions at the moment, and a lot is going through your mind. And even though you’re trying really hard to hold it all in, it’s still very difficult and painful.
You also sound like you’re very caring as a person. And I imagine that it must be very difficult for you to have to let go and go your separate ways. But I do understand your reasoning, that you need to stay friends even though the love will always be there. That must be very difficult, and I’m sorry you’re having to go through this.
@Cyx look, i know that feeling all too well, and you have such a beautiful heart, i hate you have to feel that, im so sorry that things are like this, but im here for you always. if you wanna talk, need someone to make you laugh, anything.