I Swear, Every Time Someone Swears On MPPC, I Get A Penny, I'D BE AS RICH AS A BILLIANORE
@JulietteFairmontOfficial I have no idea what I just listened to. But yeah, people on mppc do swear a lot but I can’t say I’ve ever really been bothered. There was a swear filter earlier when mppc was created but it was a voted out pretty fast.
@Duchess You listened to me And Cooooool-
@JulietteFairmontOfficial that’s just one
@Sen hold up bro
good job
In a life of being the oldest in the household
https://voca.ro/11XSaThHDvqP -
@JulietteFairmontOfficial Paw Patrol lol
@Duchess I put on Paw Patrol For them because it was my childhood, THEN THE PERFECTLY CUT CRYING CAUGHT ME OFF GAURD
@Sen The curses are ass bitch hoe shit fuck.