Depressive morning, might not talk too much today
We were talking about how aggressive the neighbors dog was and that she was a good girl, and just overall discussing what made her get so mean when she attacked the chickens (the first time, not when they died) and bit my dad’s finger (deserved tbh).
We, as in me, my dad, and my aunt.
I don’t even know what sparked the conversation, I was just trying to get breakfast.But uh, somehow he turned the conversation.
You guys know how I loved Daisy, right? My dog. The bestest doggy there ever was.
My dad, not even trying to, blamed me for the fact he had to shoot her in the back of her head in the woods.
Had to put her out of her misery after all, not like we could take her to the vet. Cons of being a fucking poor person. I hate the life I live because it took away one I liked knowing lived.
But yeah. My fault. I already knew it was, and I was doing good forgetting about it.For now, I’m just gonna take a tiny little break. Probably won’t even be longer than 2 hours.
@Sen ono
Fuck yo dad he a fuckin bitch
Daisy solos fuck yo dad
your dad is a top tier dickrider
I’m sorry to hear that gang.
I think it was a little too soon to put that dog down.
My condolences
@Sen Blaming their own child for the death of a pet isn’t very fatherly of him. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. My mom blamed me for the death of one of her favorite dogs, but it literally died of old age, the dog was like 16 and looked a lot like it was getting too old.
The important thing is that it very clearly wasn’t your fault and you shouldn’t believe him.
If you need to talk about it, I’ll listen.
Awww I’m sorry to hear 😞
@Sen no dude
@JulietteFairmontOfficial Do you need something?
@Sen No-
@JulietteFairmontOfficial Then don’t post something so… Not correct for the topic.
@Sen I was saying No Bro because of the topic, I Usally Say No Dude Or No Bro When Something Bad Happens, Sorry If It Sounded Unusual
@JulietteFairmontOfficial Yeah, I don’t think “no bro
” was an appropriate response to this.
@Sen Sorry
i’m willing to take your dad out, to make him get a taste what he did to that poor doggo, i don’t care if i get sentenced to life behind bars, it’s worth it for one less living devil that’s living amongst us
@Sen Holy shit- I’m sorry… Your dad is a dikhead for sure. Poor doggo…
I hope you feel better soon <3
@Sen I hate when parents blame their kids for something that…they know would hurt them :( You loved that dog, and all your dad can do is blame you for him having to shoot it? I don’t really know too much about it, but even it was your fault, it’s not very right of him to get this way and blame you heartlessly. I am so sorry this happened.