2 more days.
In 2 more days, me and my bf, will be dating for 1 month.
He Is so sweet, caring, and kind. He Is my everything. I love him so much. I wasnt doing good at all until he came until my life, now I’m happy. He buys me stuff, treats me well, calls me everyday after school, hugs me like 10000 time a day, calls me pretty 10000 times a day❤️ And I’m so happy me and him are working out. I don’t know what I would have done without him. Me and him have known each other for 11 years. Almost our whole lives. We met from our parents when we where babies. My real mom and his mom were friends. But my mom died, I went to 4 different families, and me and him are still as close as ever. His parents are of course, so nice to me. I love them so much. And of course, even though my mom and dad are not my real parents, I still see them as my real parents. They treat my bf so well. -
i want to say, congratulations
despite the fact i bashed you earlier -
@A38 thank u
Lainey🌚 you’re very welcome
Lainey🌚 Congrats
@Samsonxvi thank u😋
Lainey🌚 No problemmm
Lainey🌚 Amazing :) I wish you a very long relationship with this guy