I need Webtoon recommendations
@Soggy_Bread I only like the name “Y/N” Because
“Y/N wAlKs dOwN tHe hAlLwAy aNd SeEs a uGlY rAt nAmEd JaKe aNd sCrEamS ‘oH mY! hE’s tHe hOtTeSt bOy iN tHe sChOoL!’” To bully her -
@Soggy_Bread Respectfully, Trellix is shit.
@RaeTaylor LMAO
@RaeTaylor I got rid of it from my school computer and my life’s been great.
Do you use Windows 10? Macbook? Linux? Chrome?
@RaeTaylor I have a windows and I use chrome, but I don’t plan on removing it from this computer, it has to be returned and I don’t want to fiddle with it and get in trouble
@Soggy_Bread Are you currently in online schooling? If you are, you’ll get no repercussions as long as they don’t know it was your computer.
@RaeTaylor In fact, the computers delete all of their data some time after you’re unenrolled.
@RaeTaylor In-person is easy to delete, just factory reset.
@RaeTaylor Yeah, I’m in online school, but my name is all over the computer.
@Soggy_Bread Well, then make small changes you can revert. You could always re-install trellix before you send it back.
@RaeTaylor I could, either way, I have some ways around Trellix.
@Soggy_Bread wattpad is good for cringe fanfics and toxic nsfw
@finneass Real