Keep Personal Issues Personal.
I get that we’re not always gonna get along but instead of posting these issues, I, and the rest of the staff, are asking people to keep these issues to DM’s. Your issues have nothing to do with the rest of the community, and should be kept that way. Callout posts, anything in bios or signatures that are obviously directed in order to start drama (e.g. using this person’s name, screenshots, etc.) will from now on result in a ban. If you have an issue with someone, do not get the public community involved in this issue, keep these issues to DM’s. If you need help solving an issue, contact a staff member and we’ll be glad to help you find the best way to solve these issues (without getting involved ourselves). Other than that, any concerns with other users should be DM’d to this user, staff or flagged for staff to see. Thank you guys for helping us keep our community a safe place!
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