Staff Appreciation!!
Been meaning to do this for awhile but I have a free period now so here we go.
So as a lot of this community knows, I recently became staff on both here and MPPC and I just wanted to formally thank Pres. He’s been there to guide me, help me, and teach me throughout all of this and we’re lucky to have someone like this on our staff team to help all of us make the best decisions. Even beyond that, he’s pure funny and he’s there whenever we need him. And lately, I’ve been going to him a lot and he hasn’t ever complained about it and I appreciate that a lot. His being here is amazing and he is one of my favorite people to talk to and favorite people across this community. He does a lot behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly here and on MPPC. We appreciate you!!@Duchess
Despite her family causing issues and other issues, she is online every day. She helps us out with our issues with other members along with planning and doing things behind the scenes that help our community run smoothly. She helps us make the best of situations and is one of the greatest admins we could ever ask for. Her presence lights up my day, her constant positivity is something I love and admire about her, that even in some of the worst situations she’s always found a bright side and helped us see the best of things and how we can take a positive outlook out of situations, the things you do don’t go unseen, thank you!@MrTree
He may not be online everyday but nonetheless he is just as involved in every decision we make and deserves his mention here. He’s chill, he always listens and he gives some of the best advice, whether that be as a moderator, or as a friend, he does it the best in both ways. He’s so chill (he’s also another band kid so maybe I’m biased), everyday I get to talk to him I’m excited because he keeps a conversation going and honestly has the best music taste, so we appreciate him!ar06
He’s rarely online but he’s chill and we love him too!!and last but not least, our trial mod
He’s one of the most chill people I’ve ever met, he’s easy to talk to, great in moderation and we’re glad to have him! I think that he may be the person I’m closest to, considering we’ve been friends for 1+ years and he’s honestly one of the people I’m glad I stuck with being friends with. He’s always there to listen and agree but if you’re wrong he will most definitely tell you and I admire that about him so much, not a lot of people will tell you as straight up as he does that you’re in the wrong and having a friend that keeps things real with you is one of the best things you could ever have.Overall, we should appreciate all of our staff, we do a lot more behind the scenes than you think and we only make decisions that we see to be best for the community!
Love, Finn
awwwwwwww <33
you’re also a fantastic friend, glad i have a friend like you
@finneass Awwww I always feel like a negative nancy, but thank you very much. I do my best.
@Duchess your best is more than enough!! it’s all we can ask for
@finneass all of this is very true, they are bangers
A respectable post