Why do I keep seeing these ads LEAVE ME ALONEEE😭😭
and you’re turning this into deeper shit than it needs to be because nobody said they have a problem with YOU or EVERYTHING you post, this was strictly about posting nsfw content so please shut the fuck up dawg
@Namira It didn’t have
P ** is
V *** a
B *** s
A **Or anything else :)
@Namira 🤡
Alright let’s calm down guys
@Bandit Just turn the reply off bud
Jokes can’t be handled here
nah now you’re just being a bitch
you clearly didn’t even fucking read what I said, the point of it was you don’t need to directly say shit for it to have the same meaning, then you call me a clown because i’m explaining that to you
I will say that there’s a younger audience, and some content needs to be monitored especially with how others will reply to it and what the topic itself may be referred to as.
Some things will be taken the wrong way and we have to make sure that it doesn’t or stuff like this happens -
but you won’t call jun a clown when he’s more rude and direct about his response to your shit
nah, attack the guy who addresses the situation calmly and like, in a more respectful way ig!!
n I still don’t fucking believe you about the GC situation -
@Bandit You might as well turn em’ off now
@ゼフィラ-ヤラ Do you mean lock the topic? Because I cannot @Global-Moderators @Global-Trial-Moderator
@Bandit Well Idk do som Cause
I wanna keep this up
It’s funny
Makes my girl laugh
Makes my friends laugh
and makes me laugh
So yeah
Also namira
You are childish L and I blocked you
So keep wasting yo time
that’s all
Logging off
Have a nice day