@yourlocalkitkatgorl Madam, I do not live in America. That does not exist here. I’ve also heard IHOP went extremely downhill too, so even if I were an obese patriot, I’d avoid that place.
@tea-and-crumpets IHop has such good blueberry pancakes, you’re missing out
@tea-and-crumpets skill issue
@Bandit Alright, you got me on that one. Well, at least it’s pancakes. Not my favourite dessert. If it were ice cream though… I’d be screeching in jealousy.
@yourlocalkitkatgorl I consider it more of a blessing that I don’t live there.
Update on this: We both have no school tomorrow. So, we decided to go tomorrow instead of saturday. Im also having pancakes definitely, but it’s gonna be the first thing done I have so much to gossip about with her I can’t wait.
@tea-and-crumpets Pancakes and gossip? with a friend? thats one of the best things to do in your free time
@Poptart_Yeeter My bestie and I have so much tea to spill tomorrow im very impatient. Also, agreed.
@tea-and-crumpets I haven’t spilled tea in 15 minutes im tweaking so i get what u mean
@Poptart_Yeeter I could talk to her on the phone and gossip but it’s just not the same when you do it in person.
@tea-and-crumpets I know right
Update 2.0: She’s sick. Damn. Now I can’t gossip. 😔
@tea-and-crumpets dam