my dumb ass read that wrong
@PaintingRainbows EXACTLY
@Poptart_Yeeter XD
@Poptart_Yeeter okay, so I read it right, but I read it with the wrong inflection. (Basically I read it in the wrong tone, and put emphasis on the wrong words-)
@Your-Local-Reaper exactly i was thinkking to myself, pet groomer? BITCH WHAT THE FUC-
@Poptart_Yeeter right? Like, I really thought “pet groomer”? What the FUCK dude, that’s messed u- OHHHHHHHHHH
@Your-Local-Reaper EXACTLY
okay, so I read it right, but I read it with the wrong inflection. (Basically I read it in the wrong tone, and put emphasis on the wrong words-)
@Poptart_Yeeter “youre looking quite mature for your age” “w o o f .”
@yourlocalkitkatgorl WHAT
@yourlocalkitkatgorl WHAT