Another lineup-
@Your-Local-Reaper :). …
@yellow_3to3 now its satisfied and is sleeping
@yellow_3to3 NO
@Your-Local-Reaper YES
@yellow_3to3 you asf:
Wubbrle the Wubble... Even MPPC Agrees to this info.
@yellow_3to3 Are you sure about that
@yellow_3to3 MPPC just wants des to die rn
@Your-Local-Reaper Yes,
@yellow_3to3 You’re in that lineup too.
@Your-Local-Reaper But You die first.
@yellow_3to3 I about to say that do we share one same braincell now or what
@yellow_3to3 Womp womp
@yellow_3to3 You were saying?
@Your-Local-Reaper Says who?
@yellow_3to3 lmaoo
@Your-Local-Reaper xD-