KayaRoseWho we won’t go apeshit we promise
@Bandit I prefer not to say
Flip Ditcher maybe
KayaRoseWho I respect your wishes
Flip Ditcher oh bro you’re gonna say your opinion about the place? Go ahead
Flip Ditcher honestly, real
@Bandit who said i was gonna SAY it
You know what I’m just gonna fucking say it fuck it I get fucking attacked whatever I don’t care
This is my opinion and this is my choice to say this.
Most of y’all can agree
But this site is shitty. It’s fucking shitty. Most of you fucking know this. You can Agree, I don’t know who would think that this site is not shitty But the site is fucking shitty as shit. There’s certain people on here who made it shit I left because most people on here are just plain ass rude or they think they’re better than everybody else or they think they got that shit. You know what I’m saying no you You’re not good enough to be good as shit. I’m not good at shit. Nobody’s good as shit. But that’s just me I guess maybe I usually don’t like to speak my opinion, but I also do at the same time and I can get really fucking mean but whatever the only good people that were like admin is duchess n Shazz. I Have no idea If shazz Is still here or not But they were the only good admin on here. In my opinion you can disagree. You can agree I don’t care, but there were the only good ones here to be an admin or whatever they were nice they werent overpowering they didn’t ban people just because they can had the power you know what I’m saying I care for a lot of people you make me not care you know I’m saying like if I’m friends with you and you backstab me or if you hurt me make me leave. I’m not gonna care about you honestly because so many shit that has happened between me and you you know, there’s just one. I’m not sure I’m friends with them anymore, but they basically bagged me so many times all they did was hurt for payments. They were mentally abusive now that I realize they hurt me to the point where I don’t care I want the community back to how it was, but due to society and due to people that won’t happen , no it won’t happen. I wish it would, but It won’t also, this isn’t towards any of you guys this is only towards like a certain amount of people so but they get shut down, but they shouldn’t be able to unless you’re the owner. You know they only have to people with proof and reasoning or kick somebody or something you would ban somebody for a day you know should be able to do that for a few days I don’t know but all I know is that they should not be able to close the site down just because they’re admin only if you’re the owner, you should be allowed to do that and I’m not make sense. I’m using voice to text because I’m lazy as shit right now. Lmao
KayaRoseWho Yeah… There were some really bad apples in this community. For the most part i agree with 90% of what you’re saying you’re just spitting facts bruv. Some things need to change 😭😭💀
@Bandit Yeah, dead ass like I want to say more shit but if I do you, those people will come after me and I’m guessing they should know who they are . And I’m sure you guys know too because I’m sure you guys know what I’m talking about but this site is so shitty. It’s so bad. It’s so fucking bad. This is why people fight people and hate on each other. This is a death trap. Why because the people that are here, those certain people that are here is making this site a fucking death trap When I came to this site I was in ninth grade and it was great at first and then a certain somebody became an admin actually sorry certain people became an admin. That’s when I went downhill after they started To kind of overpower a little bit, you know what I’m saying
KayaRoseWho like the site isn’t gonna get better if we still have those people that are admits because they’re overpowering and they’re taking the Admins way too far. Honestly, they banned people for absolutely no reason without breaking a damn rule they just banned them because if somebody’s fighting with another person, they just banned them without even trying to understand the situation and trying to break it up that’s how it used to be. It used to be people fighting. They tried understanding the and then they get the people to stop but now it’s just oh no we’re gonna ban you because you’re fighting with this person without even understanding the situation. That’s what happened to a lot of people. But the site won’t get better if we still have those no wonder why shit ton of people left I left because of these people that are on here certain people that are on here that made this site so fucking shitty it got fucking boring. Depressing.
KayaRoseWho this forum and the MPP website before it practically shaped who I am to this day, as it has literally been involved in my life throughout my entire teenage years
see how I turned out?
still flipping here