Now It's just up to me 😼✊
@na-jaemin0813 no one talking about the 666
@na-jaemin0813 I already fufilled my destiny (for a fucking seco-) so you can too
Wubbrle the Wubble... LMAOO
@na-jaemin0813 hm only 712 more to go, or some number like that
Wubbrle the Wubble... 712?! THAT’S NOT BA-
@na-jaemin0813 nvm its 678 more to go
Wubbrle the Wubble... THAT’S NOT BAD EITHER
@na-jaemin0813 671 more to go!
@na-jaemin0813 Just yap like the y2k-like bich u are:sob;
@Poptart_Yeeter ok
@na-jaemin0813 YAY IM ON TOP AGAI-
yes we need to overthrow the… uh… well i wouldnt say king- hell, not even prince lmao
Flip Ditcher get it right
Gutter rat
@Not-You what did i say that was inorrect
Flip Ditcher im just telling u what he is
(a very kind gutter rat tho i’ll give him that
@Not-You who
Flip Ditcher dud- @leeyoum262
@Not-You OH i was talking about overthrowing FINN
Flip Ditcher OH