apples are better than bananas and heres my proof
@yourlocalkitkatgorl besides an apple a day keeps anyone away if you throw it hard enough <3
@Your-Local-Reaper a pipe bomb a day keeps the fbi away~
@PopTart_Yeeter wOAH
@Your-Local-Reaper :3 I’m so siwwy
@PopTart_Yeeter “I’m just being silly, officer-!” ahh vibe
@Your-Local-Reaper Mayhaps i was a bit too silly casually wearing a strait jacket
@PopTart_Yeeter I raise you one better: Formal Strait Jackets/Dresses. <33
@Your-Local-Reaper Dress it is
@PopTart_Yeeter I love the formal strait dresses-
@Your-Local-Reaper Real
@yourlocalkitkatgorl I like radiation
@Bandit im putting that in my signature