Who is Sonic.Exe?
Karol Flip ditchers man (i think
Karol Sonic Exe is a user who I think appeared on mpp first, in The Role play Room. He used to be Lust Sans. When he found out about MPPC he got on and started being an ass, practically begged Captain Presto (admin at the time iirc) to ban him permanently, and it seems like he was only on MPPC to troll.
@Poptart_Yeeter In a way, yeah he did.
Flip Ditcher I am that bug-eyed idiot.
@BlueSpeed no you are not
Flip Ditcher Lad, are you sure?
@BlueSpeed you said you werent him
Flip Ditcher iβM lEgIt HiM bRo- /j
Flip Ditcher My bad-
@BlueSpeed no fucking way
Flip Ditcher Tf do you mean
@BlueSpeed You better not be an alt bro
@Bandit Nuh uh.
@Bandit thats what im saying
Flip Ditcher insert image of
Joking Hazard Playing Card