Ok so so so my hyperfixation rn is bats and I really wanna tell people some fun facts so here
Ok so I’ve been reasarching them for months and I really really REALLY want to tell people about what I found cuz my autism brain is very very very VERY happi 😋 okay so if we didn’t have bats we wouldnt have bananas avocados and mangos because over 300 species of fruit depend on bats for pollination and bats helps spread seeds for nuts figs and cacao melting if we didn’t have bats we wouldn’t have anything to pollinate exotic plants like those including agave or the saguaro cactus. Also did you know bats also have belly buttons? Cool right but most mammals belly buttons are innies but majority of bats belly buttons are outies. Bats also are medical super hero’s, because about 80 medicines come from plants that rely on bats for their survival, since bats are not blind scientists have been studying how bats use their echolocation now have helped them develop navigational aids for the blind and research on bats have also led to advances in many vaccines we use today as of right now. Did you know bats can also reach up to speeds of over 100 miles per hour, it mainly depends on the type of species. Bats are the only flying mammal, yes a flying squirrel is a mammal but it can only glide for a short distances therefore they aren’t classed as “flying”. Also a bats wing resembles a modified human hand imagine the skin between your fingers larger, thinner and stretched. This flexible skin membrane that extends between each long finger bone and many movable joints make bats agile fliers. Also also also night insects have to fear bats the most because each night, bats can eat their body weight in insects, numbering in the thousands! This insect-heavy diet helps foresters and farmers protect their crops from pests. OKAY THATS ALL BYE BYE 🥰 IM VERY HAPPY NOW
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 I have so many facts in my one note about so many different animals it’s unreal
Star_lover mine are about bats, sharks, cats, dogs, hello kitty, rabbits, owls, butterflies, seals, monkeys, dolphins, whales, sea creatures, insects, extinct animals, snails, bees, ladybugs, koalas, pandas, rats, mice, leopards, lions, tigers, bears, penguins ducks, wolves, foxes, raccoons, snakes, spiders, geckos, horses, hamsters, llama. Parrots and I’ve done a lot about many plants in the worlds and mainly extinct species of plants
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 best 8 minutes ever spent
★【♪シaustralian cats be like meour。シ♪】★™ ty it took me a lot not to fuck up any words cuz dyslexia go brrrrr I did puts bags instead of bats bc I’m so sigma
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 mine are sharks, kitty’s, dogs, pandas, rats, lions, all bears, wolves, all foxes, raccoons, panthers, cheetahs, tigers, more but I can’t be bothered to type them all 💀💀
Star_lover and and pony’s as my Nan owns stables of them so I learn a lot
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 my fave animals are cats rabbits raccoons foxes and hyenas <3
★【♪シaustralian cats be like meour。シ♪】★™ my bf said I laugh like a hyena but he says it’s cute 😭✋
Star_lover it’s not a lot yet but it’s because I usually try write at least 50 for each
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 fr a loving insult-
Star_lover back in Ireland at my aunties farm house I have horses called blaze, flash, midnight, cream, coco and snow but they’re biting horses, they don’t bite my family because we used to ride them all the time and I still do whenever I go there they on,y ever bite when they don’t trust someone or they don’t know them
★【♪シaustralian cats be like meour。シ♪】★™ I looked at him like he was taking the piss just “oh yah babe you laugh like a hyena did you know that? Well it’s cute anyway so don’t complain”. Nice one… best insult ever
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 oh yeah fair enough my aunts horses that go there are show ones that have won some horse shows my aunt has competed in
Star_lover our horses are used for Thoroughbred racing that I’m probably gonna do as a job when I’m older or I might do equestrian with cream because that’s what’s she’s used for, blaze, flash snow and midnight are for horse racing and they’ve won trophies and awards that me, my sister and my older brother and my cousin TJ won
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 oh yeah fair enough. I haven’t done a horse competition yet. Only a dog one which I won and I went in the newspaper for it years ago
Star_lover oh what was it?
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 idk if you know it as it’s on the other side of town where my Nan lives. But there was this dog show at a park with big fields we used to go to. I went with my aunts dog called Rex and did tricks and won it for his tricks and for looking like how his breed is meant to
Star_lover what breed was rex, sorry I’m just really interested now-
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 I’m not too sure but I think it’s a Irish terrier
This is what he looks like:
it’s not him but he looks like this