Ok so so so my hyperfixation rn is bats and I really wanna tell people some fun facts so here
Star_lover back in Ireland at my aunties farm house I have horses called blaze, flash, midnight, cream, coco and snow but they’re biting horses, they don’t bite my family because we used to ride them all the time and I still do whenever I go there they on,y ever bite when they don’t trust someone or they don’t know them
★【♪シaustralian cats be like meour。シ♪】★™ I looked at him like he was taking the piss just “oh yah babe you laugh like a hyena did you know that? Well it’s cute anyway so don’t complain”. Nice one… best insult ever
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 oh yeah fair enough my aunts horses that go there are show ones that have won some horse shows my aunt has competed in
Star_lover our horses are used for Thoroughbred racing that I’m probably gonna do as a job when I’m older or I might do equestrian with cream because that’s what’s she’s used for, blaze, flash snow and midnight are for horse racing and they’ve won trophies and awards that me, my sister and my older brother and my cousin TJ won
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 oh yeah fair enough. I haven’t done a horse competition yet. Only a dog one which I won and I went in the newspaper for it years ago
Star_lover oh what was it?
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 idk if you know it as it’s on the other side of town where my Nan lives. But there was this dog show at a park with big fields we used to go to. I went with my aunts dog called Rex and did tricks and won it for his tricks and for looking like how his breed is meant to
Star_lover what breed was rex, sorry I’m just really interested now-
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 I’m not too sure but I think it’s a Irish terrier
This is what he looks like:
it’s not him but he looks like this
Star_lover oh then rex is an Irish terrier, yeah they’re facing extinction rn- also yeah their species of dog varies so there sometimes aren’t really a catigory for “what their species are supposed to look like” so idk what they’re on abouttttttt my auntie mag has one she uses him as a farm dog and he looks different-
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 yeah it was mainly to see how much of a pure bread he was because he looked like his breed as in they could kinda tell but it was mainly how tidy he was and how well trained he was. And also Rex is a farm dog too since my aunt has horses and goes to my nans farm that my Nan owns a lot
Star_lover my aunties dog was a pure breed but they’re aren’t all gonna look the same that’s the thing but now we just have saluki whippets
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 yeah. Rex is a pure breed but he’s really old which is sad since he’s over 10 now I think? Like ig know him since he was a pup and when I was a kid he knew me 😭😭
Star_lover also why is red going to competitions if he’s a farm dog, farm dogs stay on the farm and guard the animals from predators or help their farmer out
Star_lover they only hold stuff like that in America- or was this before rex was a farm dog
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 because 1 it was just a day out in the park and my aunt thought I would be nice for me to experience something like that 2 yes he is a farm dog but Rex has also got a life of his own yk? We all think dogs aren’t just made for work farm ones or not and wanted him to have fun and be well a dog and 3 we’ve got people looking after the animals and my nans got another dog of her own lol (also it’s not one of those stereotypical farms so)
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 it’ll explain it isn’t the paragraph I just sent
Star_lover I mean our cultures are different our farm dogs are trained for working in farms no we aren’t horrible to the dog we do take him on walks we do let him socialise with other farm dogs bc my aunties farm house in in the countryside and there’s a dog park for the farm dogs there
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 oh yeah fair enough
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 I love your little mind you know a lot huh.