i am being acused at r^p^ing a boy at my school <3
and I didn’t <3
and his group were just joking and then a teacher heard <3
and they keep making the joke and i am like
bro its not funny anymore stfu bc
and they r saying I sexualized him <3WHEN I DIDN’T
ugh im gonna get u guys 2 believe him and im gonna have no friends.fuck yall i alr kno whats gonna happen.
@Sorry-Its-Sage like rape is not a fucking joke. U cant just tell people someone raped u as a fucking JOKE
@Sorry-Its-Sage yep…
sorry to hear…wish I could help you, teachers sometimes suck
Knox yea no shit-
@Sorry-Its-Sage that boy needs to shut his ass up
@Sorry-Its-Sage my mom is my teacher to irl problems BECAUSE WHO TF IS GOING TO BRING OUT THEIR CALCULATOR AND WRITE “3^7 X 24 - 100” LIKE TEACH REAL STUFF SCHOOLS