someone with d_____g e________e pls dm me
@Laws :oo
@Shadow you’re just mad i’m with elliot aren’t you
@Shadow well guess what? i didn’t ask either.
@Laws yeah because you’re a fucking ass hole who doesnt deserve her and you never will you literally try to insult everyone with you’re big ass forehead i could fucking put a new planet on that thing like honestly and i would never wanna live there
@Laws Dave looking ass mega mind looking ass couldnt pull multiple bitches if he tried looking ass.
@Shadow trash talking isnt doing anything also why did u write a whole damn paragraph? this aint English class
@Shadow lol
@Knox Im not trash talking im roasting his huge ass forehead.
@Shadow alr, that’s enough-
@Shadow come at me bro, i don’t give a fucking shit
@Laws You’re not worth it.
@Shadow hmm.
chicken. -
Childish. -
@Shadow I love children.
@Sorry-Its-Sage HUHH
@Shadow Maybe i am childish. Don’t give a shit bruh
Dude like i said not worth my time -
@Laws both of you guys stop-
k i’m done
@Laws See even my sister broke up with you laws.