You humans are.. concerning.
We’re humans. We do stupid things
@AzazelSimp bc ;-; relationships make people more self confidant.
@Can-tFindGod and they make people feel more love which makes them happier
@Can-tFindGod okay misty
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline didn’t know miaty was 21
@Kaya-Rose Everyone thinks I’m misty for some reason…
@Can-tFindGod 1, ur ownly fowllowing rylie
@Can-tFindGod ur acting like misty
@Kaya-Rose I’m following rylie because I like the covers.
@Can-tFindGod bruh why would a 21 year old follow a 14/15 year old
@Kaya-Rose I put the age as a joke. Check which day it was.
because he’s a pedo
@HoodedSans its misty
@Can-tFindGod find god then
@HoodedSans Okay.
-slaps @Can-tFindGod with a bible-
@HoodedSans Are you seriously roleplaying?
@HoodedSans wtf 💀✋
@HoodedSans amen brudda