lets have a conversation
tryna meet some new ppl im not friends with enough people
@FinnyWinny Kilowalawhizasahooza
@Sorry-Its-Sage very important message
@FinnyWinny yes.
@Sorry-Its-Sage yes, thank you for sharing your knowledge
@FinnyWinny you must not speak that word. or great things will come to you.
@Sorry-Its-Sage no thank you?
@FinnyWinny no… the K word.
@Sorry-Its-Sage Knowledge : )
@FinnyWinny No… No… child… the word I spoke before… only Grade A’s can say it… I have a grade Z but… i am not afraid… it is the courage that keeps me safe… the bravery you look like… maybe a grade T?
@Sorry-Its-Sage no im a grade a
@FinnyWinny Impossible… only the leader is allowed to be grade A… wait- are you uppercase or lowercase?
@Sorry-Its-Sage uppercase