hooded lmao
@Duchess because everyone goes there and there’s a sizable community in there
@YLDG Yeah… think there are only two communities. RP community, and Coders xD
no, someone else uses my account too
@Duchess yeah and you have ^shudder^ Dating rooms, I’ve seen a couple-
@HoodedSans k well tell them there’s no reason to try to join lmao
@HoodedSans and no i’m not trying to argue with you, just genuinely wondering
why’d you follow me @J-u-n
@HoodedSans can i not follow you?
i dont see a point
@YLDG Ew… I think people are just too desperate to find love that they create it. Even if it’s not real
@Duchess it’s the fact of the matter it’s dating online, any you don’t really know the person, though I’m Demi-Romantic so it my be just me
@YLDG What’s that mean?
@Duchess Demi-Romantic is where you don’t feel romantic attraction unless a close bond is formed, meaning I don’t really get crushes on random girls, I get crushes on close friends
@YLDG Well that makes sense. I used to think I was aromantic o. o
@Duchess nope! I’m also Demi-Sexual
@YLDG Nope? About what lol