im ganna go with the name victor
@victor_satan all i said was pause im dirty minded u soft now cmon…
Not_justkys you came at me with harassment and i barely know you
@victor_satan i just copy and pasted some random shit that was long damn fuckin chill
@victor_satan Its not fucking harassment, Retard, Maybe if you knew the term for harassment you’d understand that they were just making a joke, / Stop using big words, You dont understand them,
Not_justkys alr i wont get you kicked out but i will be reporting the other to for coming at me for no reason
@アストルフォ still it doesnt matter they came at me for no reason
@victor_satan No they didn’t.? They made a joke, Get over it.
@アストルフォ exactly now ion feel bad for the his ass now
@アストルフォ Plus, You got mad because they posted the “L + Bozo + Ratio” Copypasta, Please fucking get off,